Stations: Some Recent Acquisitions explores some of the Belkin’s research areas through a selection of new works in the permanent collection. Director and curator Scott Watson walks through the exhibition and offers insight into some of the key works and themes, including the internationalism of concrete poetry and Fluxus artists, Vancouver’s art scene of the 1960s seen through the work of Sam Perry, Helen Goodwin and Audrey Capel Doray, a powerful grouping of works by Rebecca Belmore, Beau Dick and Liz Magor, and work by the San Francisco Renaissance artists of the 1950s and 60s from the Estates of Robin Blaser and David Farwell.
Stations draws on recent acquisitions to the permanent collection and is organized into interrelated modules that explore some of the Belkin’s research areas. While the physical gallery remains open to the public, COVID-19 has pushed us to rethink our exhibitions. With the increased turn to our website, we are including here a selection of films that are also being screened in the gallery space.
[more]Due to the uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we are postponing the Image Bank exhibition until June 2021. Our January exhibition will draw on recent acquisitions to the permanent collection. Titled Stations: Some Recent Acquisitions, the exhibition will be in four or five interrelated modules that explore some of the gallery’s research areas.
[more]Rhoda Rosenfeld's work from the series Maps of the World (1977) is included in Stations: Some Recent Acquisitions.
[more]The following is a list of resources related to the artists in Stations: Some Recent Acquisitions. This list is not exhaustive or an official recommendation, but rather comprised of suggested readings compiled by Public Programs, graduate and undergraduate student researchers at the Belkin. These readings are intended to provide additional context for the exhibition and act as springboards for further research or questions stemming from the exhibition, artists and works involved. Resources are arranged by artist, listed alphabetically by last name. This compilation is an evolving and growing list, so check back in the future for more additions.
[more]Scott Watson discusses the two concurrent exhibitions, Becoming Animal/Becoming Landscape and Joan Balzar: Two exhibitions from the collection. Click through for a video of the tour.
[more]Scott Watson guides a tour of Melancholy Bay: Images of English Bay, Burrard Inlet and Howe Sound from the Collection. Click through for a video of the tour.