
News → 15 Jun 2023

A Response from the Belkin

News → 31 May 2023

Reading Room: What Is Welcome?

This reading room offers resources relating to and exceeding the themes present in the exhibition What Is Welcome?, which includes works from the Belkin’s collection and long-term residency that question the art institution’s language, boundaries and potential for change. From performance to works-in-process that effect institutional practices, the artists included operate…

News → 17 Mar 2023

Reading Room: Holly Schmidt, Vegetal Encounters

News → 20 Jan 2023

Works from the Collection: Charmian Johnson

In this release of Works from the Collection, Jay Pahre considers work by Charmian Johnson in The Willful Plot exhibition.

News → 15 Dec 2022

Reading Room: The Willful Plot

The Willful Plot brings together artists’ practices to expand the notion of the garden as a site of tension between wild and cultivated, temporal and perpetual, public and private, sovereign and colonized. This online Reading Room includes texts expanding on different notions of the garden and more-than-human relationships, as well as…