• Alexandra Bischoff


    Alexandra Bischoff is a performance artist and writer and activist from Edmonton, Alberta. Now based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Alexandra’s practice proliferates in several realms of the arts. In 2015, Alexandra received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Emily Carr University of Art and Design, and was nominated as the Undergraduate Class Valedictorian. Although her work involves varying mediums, the quality of performance resonates throughout her oeuvre. Her practice explores the sensual and obscure intimacies of everyday interactions, focusing on the subtle anomalies of human existence. She often implements humour, absurdity, and femme sexuality to frame such topics, and at times to discuss challenging issues when implied.

    Her work has been exhibited across Canada at galleries such as the Illingworth Kerr Gallery in Calgary, and Unit 17 and 221A in Vancouver, among others. She has been involved in reading rooms and book launches hosted at Burrard Arts Foundation, 221A, and the Vancouver Art Book Fair. As a writer, her work has been featured in publications such as LAUGH magazine, ISSUE, Transmutation Anthology, WOO, and AFFECTUS, as well as catalogues for Gam Gallery and the Rennie Collection. (2018)

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  • Naomi Sawada

    Manager, Public Programs