Exhibition catalogue from Stephen Andrews: Likeness at the Belkin (23 March—31 May 2001) with texts by Scott Watson and Annette Hurtig. Toronto artist Stephen Andrews’s treatment of portraiture—as a form of mimesis and a way of displaying what is hidden or repressed—renews the genre’s intrigue. Guest curated by Annette Hurtig in conjunction with the Art Gallery of Windsor, Likeness features recent work as well as encaustic drawings and bookworks from the late 1980s and 1990s. Included in the exhibition is Facsimile (1991-93), a work in four parts comprised of 147 portraits, etched in graphite and oil on beeswax, of people lost to HIV-related illnesses. The portraits were based on facsimile transmissions of pictures from the “Proud Lives” memorial columns of Xtra magazine. These elegant and lyrical works are part of an ongoing meditation on appearance, reality, memory, time, love, intimacy and representation.