Exhibition catalogue from How sad I am today…: The Art of Ray Johnson and the New York Correspondence School at the Belkin (8 October–19 December 1999) with texts by Michael Morris, Sharla Sava, Peter Schuyff and Muffet Jones. Often credited as the instigator of mail art, Ray Johnson (1927-95) was a foundational example for the Canadian avant-garde in the late 1960s to the early 1970s. Johnson’s elliptical puns and promotion of confused identity act as the master template for many of the self-constructed artistic mythologies of this time. Ray Johnson has never been presented in terms which allow for an understanding of his work as a significant contribution to artistic dialogues about masculinity, homosexuality and celebrity culture. How sad I am today… investigates Johnson’s imagination of mass culture, theories of symbolic exchange, his gay subjectivity, his role as a “Pop” artist, and his relation to Andy Warhol. His mail-network identity, clubs, events, etc. foresee aspects of today’s cyberculture and Johnson is being increasingly recognized as such. Inspired by Johnson’s mail art communications, Canadian artists including Anna Banana, General Idea, Eric Metcalfe, Michael Morris, Vincent Trasov and Peter Schuyff could overstep the constraints of their geographic and cultural isolation and configure their own practice within the embattled terrain of the North American art world. The emergence of the Canadian avant-garde during the 1960s was shaped, in a critical and unmistakable way, by the universe which Johnson’s mail art created.