Susan Schuppli (Swiss-Canadian, b. 1967) is an artist and researcher based in London whose work examines material evidence from war and conflict to environmental disasters. In particular she investigates the challenges that contaminated environments pose for making truth claims that turn on the legal question of direct causality. Her artistic process involves working directly with scientists and lawyers, often bringing different materials and perspectives together to create new critical vantage points or to produce a counter narrative. Creative projects have been exhibited throughout Europe, Asia, Canada, and the US.She has published widely in media and politics and received the ICP Infinity Award for Critical Writing and Research in 2016. Her book, MATERIAL WITNESS: Media • Forensics • Evidence,will be published by MIT Press in 2020. Schuppli holds a PhD in Cultural Studies and Research Architecture from Goldsmiths University of London, and participated in the Whitney Independent Study Program after completing her MFA at the University of California San Diego. Currently, she is the Director of the Centre for Research Architecture and Board Chair of Forensic Architecture at Goldsmiths.