General Idea (1969-1994) was a Canadian-based art collective comprised of AA Bronson, born Michael Tims (Canadian, b. 1946), Felix Partz, born Ronald Gabe (Canadian, 1945-1994) and Jorge Zontal, born Slobodan Saia-Levy (Italian, 1944-1994). Their practice largely involved unconventional media of mail art, performance art and installation using ideas of appropriation, satire and conceptualism, often taking on political issues, most notably challenging dominant ideas of capitalist heteronormativity. Through the focus on their activities as a collective, General Idea sought to remove the individualistic notions of artist-as-genius and further queer the art space through their integration of domestic life and popular culture with artistic practice. Their work can be found in the permanent collections of the Vancouver Art Gallery, the Art Gallery of Ontario, the New York Museum of Modern Art, and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art among others. The archive is held at the National Gallery of Canada. The collective’s activities stopped in 1994 when both Partz and Zontal passed away due to complications from AIDS.