• Shelly Rosenblum

    Shelly Rosenblum is Curator of Academic Programs at the Belkin. Inaugurating this position at the Belkin, Rosenblum’s role is to develop programs that increase myriad forms of civic and academic engagement at UBC, the wider Vancouver community and beyond. Rosenblum received her PhD at Brown University and has taught at Brown, Wesleyan and UBC. Her awards include fellowships from the Center for the Humanities, Wesleyan University and a multi-year Presidential Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Department of English, UBC. She was selected for the Summer Leadership Institute of the Association of Academic Museums and Galleries at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University (2014). Her research interests include issues in contemporary art and museum theory, discourses of the Black Atlantic, critical theory, narrative and performativity. Her teaching covers the 17th to the 21st centuries. She remains active in professional associations related to academic museums and cultural studies, attending international conferences and workshops, and recently completing two terms (six years) on the Board of Directors at the Western Front, Vancouver, including serving as Board President. At UBC, Rosenblum is an Affiliate of the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies.

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  • Maria Eichhorn

    Maria Eichhorn (German, b. 1962), one of the most rigorous artists working today, lives and works in Berlin. She studied at the Berlin University of the Arts and has been teaching at the School of Art and Design in Zurich since 2003. Her most recent exhibitions include solo exhibitions at the Migros Museum of Contemporary Art, Zurich (2018), the Chisenhale Gallery, London (2016), the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Vancouver (2015) and the Kunsthaus Bregenz (2014). Eichhorn participated in documenta 14 in Athens and Kassel (2017), documenta 11 in Kassel (2002), the 45th and 56th Venice Biennales (1993, 2015) and the 4th and 9th Istanbul Biennials (1995, 2005).

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