Exhibition catalogue from Piotr Nathan: How Far Do You Dare To Go at the Belkin (14 October–4 December 2005) with essays by Ulmann-Matthias Cemali, Kassandra Nakas and Frank Wagner. Piotr Nathan was born in Gdansk, Poland and lived in Berlin. He has exhibited widely throughout Europe and the USA and this is his first exhibition in Canada. Nathan works in a variety of mediums and this exhibition will focus on works from the past ten years that include painting and three 40-foot murals consisting of images garnered from the genre of 19th-century gravures made for the mass market. Finding material in scientific publications, old postcards, scientific charts and pornography, Nathan translates the promise of reality into scenarios for the fleeting, transient and disparate moments that enter our lives. His works draw upon the power of natural phenomena, sexual rites, death and the shear intensity of life in pursuit of emotions that constitute longing and striving.