Exhibition catalogue from Julia Feyrer and Tamara Henderson: The Last Waves at the Belkin (6 September-4 December 2016) edited by Scott Watson, Greg Gibson and Jana Tyner, with essays by Alex Klein, Jesse McKee and Scott Watson. This publication marks the culmination of Julia Feyrer and Tamara Henderson’s three-part exhibition project. Julia Feyrer and Tamara Henderson documents the project viewed through the artists’ films from the perspective of the exhibition installations at Banff Centre, ICA and the Belkin Art Gallery that served as the sets for their films, as well as from the artists’ process archives, which include the writing, poetry, drawing, and painting that form the backbone of the artists’ respective practices. This fully-illustrated catalogue, designed by Mark Owens, includes essays by curators Jesse McKee (Banff Centre), Alex Klein (ICA) and Scott Watson (Belkin Art Gallery).
Julia Feyrer and Tamara Henderson are Vancouver-based artists who have worked together since 2009. In addition to their 2015 exhibition Consider the Belvedere at the ICA Philadelphia, they have collaborated on Enter the Fog at The Rooms, Saint Johns, NF (2016); Bottles Under the Influence at Walter Philips Gallery at the Banff Centre (2013) and Unfinished Corpse Bar at Jacob Lawrence Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle (2013). They recently participated together in residencies at The Rooms, Newfoundland and at IASPIS in Stockholm, Sweden.