Laiwan thanks
with heartfelt gratitude
Curator Liz Park
UBC Fine Arts
Morris & Helen Belkin Gallery Scott Watson
Belkin Technical Director Owen Sopotiuk
Web Designer Lynda Nakashima
Supportive Consultation Debora O
Meditations Da
1993 Parallelogramme's edit of
Notes Against Difference Monika K. Gagnon
Curator Brice MacNeil
Gallery The Western Front
French Translation Brigitte Angays
Chinese Translation Sylvie Liu
Friendships while traveling
Prabha Khosla Uganda
Andrew Morrison Zimbabwe
GALZ Gays & Lesbians of Zimbabwe
Brigitte Angays Zimbabwe
Tonde & Eloisha Katiyo Zimbabwe
Chipo Chung Zimbabwe
Robert Lee Zimbabwe
Netsai Chigwendere Zimbabwe
Francis' family Zimbabwe
Nina Skogster Finland
Diane Belanger Montreal
Distance of Distinct Vision is for my family
my grandmother, father, mother, siblings & ancestors.
And I humbly offer it to indigenous people & animals of the world,
in solidarity, a luta continua!